Our top priority is ensuring the protection of your privacy.

Elgin Tarot Resolutions values your privacy and strives to give you control over your personal information. Our Data Deletion Policy details how we handle requests for the removal of personal data collected through our website or services.

You are entitled to ask Elgin Tarot Resolutions to delete your personal information. To do so, please reach out to us at Elginfuture@gmail.com and we will take care of it.

In order to maintain the safety of your information, we may require verification of your identity prior to fulfilling any requests for deletion. This process may include the submission of additional documentation or information to confirm your identity.

We may need to keep some of your information for a certain period of time to comply with legal requirements or contractual obligations. However, once this time period has passed, we will take all necessary measures to ensure that your data is securely deleted or anonymized to prevent any unauthorized access or use.

After we delete your personal information from our systems, we will confirm the completion of the deletion process. However, please be aware that our backup systems may retain residual copies of deleted data for a limited period of time.

We ensure that any third-party service providers we share your personal information with, in accordance with our Privacy Policy, will also adhere to our deletion policy and delete your data.

In some cases, we may need to retain certain data even if a user requests its deletion. This could be necessary to meet legal obligations, settle disputes, or enforce our terms of service.

If you have any inquiries regarding our Data Deletion Policy or would like to request the deletion of your personal information, please feel free to reach out to us at Elginfuture@gmail.com".

Upon using our website or services, you are confirming your acceptance and compliance with our Data Deletion Policy.