At Elgin Tarot Resolutions, we prioritize the protection of your personal information and privacy. We take great care in collecting and utilizing your data when you visit our website or use our services. Our commitment to safeguarding your sensitive information is outlined in our Privacy Policy. Our goal is to ensure the security of your personal information and maintain your trust in our services.
 At Elgin Tarot Resolutions, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data when you visit our website or interact with our services. 

At our website, we may gather personal information from you, such as your name, email address and contact details, when you choose to provide it to us through forms or correspondence. Additionally, we automatically collect usage data, including your IP address, browser type, pages visited, and other analytics data, to better understand how you interact with our website.

We collect information to enhance our services, respond to inquiries, and personalize your experience on our website. Additionally, we may use your personal information for marketing purposes, such as sending promotional emails or newsletters. You have the option to opt out of these communications at any time.

At our company, we take your privacy seriously. We do not share your personal information with third parties without your consent, except when required by law or to protect our rights. We work with trusted third-party service providers to help us run our website and provide you with the best possible service. These providers are obligated to keep your information confidential and secure.

We take your personal information seriously and have implemented measures to keep it safe from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. However, it is important to note that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage can guarantee absolute security.

We utilize cookies and tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience, analyze trends, and gather demographic data. However, please be aware that disabling cookies through your browser settings may impact the functionality of certain features on our website.

Our website may provide links to external websites that are not under our control. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy policies or content of these third-party websites.

Our website is designed for individuals aged 13 and above. We do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 13.

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, and these changes will take effect immediately upon being posted on this page. Please check back periodically to stay up-to-date with any updates or modifications.

If you have any inquiries or doubts about our data practices or this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

By accessing our website, you agree to abide by the terms of our Privacy Policy.